Ultra-Low Noise Quantum Cascade Laser Driver, Benchtop Model


Ultra-Low Noise Quantum Cascade Laser Driver, Benchtop Model


SKU: QCL2000
1 year warranty

This product is sold with a full one-year warranty. The warranty is honored and transacted by Laser Lab Source (LaserDiodeSource.com | LaserDiodeControl.com)

Key Features

  • Convenient and Intuitive Front Panel Control with Touchscreen User Interface
  • Four Models, Up to 2.0 Amp QCL Drive Current
  • Ultra-Low Noise: <0.4 μA RMS up to 100 kHz
  • USB, Ethernet interfaces with software
  • Comprehensive Safety Features to Protect the QCL

Shipping Information
Shipping rates in the USA:
– $25 shipping
– Please contact us for International Shipping rates

Sold & Supported in North America by LaserDiodeSource.com
Orders for this product are processed and fulfilled by Laser Lab Source, the marketplace for Laser Scientists and Engineers.

Warranty Information
This product is sold with a full one year warranty. It is warrantied to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. The warranty is transacted and honored by Laser Lab Source for product purchases made through Laser Lab Source.

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1 lbs


10 × 8 × 6 in

Current Range

Voltage Range

Form Factor

Computer IO and Software

Driver Current

Driver Voltage

Product Overview

Ultra-Low Noise, Benchtop Quantum Cascade Laser Driver

The QCL Series current sources are designed expressly for driving Quantum Cascade Laser Diodes (QCL). In order to maintain their characteristically tight center linewidths and minimize wavelength jitter, quantum cascade lasers must be powered by drivers with exceptionally low current noise density. The 500 mA QCL laser driver delivers noise performance of 0.5 µA RMS to 100 kHz, and an average current noise density of 1.5 nA / √Hz, the lowest available on the market today.

Quantum cascade lasers are used in industrial exhaust sensing, medical diagnostic breath analyzers, safe-distance explosives detectors, and light sources for infrared imaging systems. This benchtop driver is perfectly suited to developing applications that requires fast measurement times and ultra high sensitivity, particularly trace gas sensing in medical and industrial applications.

Comprehensive Control and Safety Features Protect Valuable QCLs

The QCL driver control is easy and intuitive using the front panel touch screen and simple button configuration. All driver functionality is also fully accessible via USB or Ethernet remote control, and analog monitor functions are accessible by a connector on the back panel.

Extensive protection circuitry in designed in to safeguard the QCL against operational anomalies:

  • Key switch and external analog interlock for user safety
  • Adjustable soft-clamping current limit
  • Brown-out, reverse-voltage, & over-voltage protection
  • Driver over-temperature protection circuit
  • Relay shorts output when current is disabled

Operational Considerations

The QCL driver is designed to deliver extremely low noise drive current to the quantum cascade laser, and certain design factors must be considered for optimum system performance. One of the most important components affecting noise performance is the power supply used to power the QCL driver; select low noise linear power supplies with high stability specifications. Proper grounding technique is also critical: ensure there are no ground loops within the system, and grounding the chassis of the QCL driver will help reduce 50/60 Hz noise.