1650nm Acousto Optic Modulator, 80 MHz, Fiber Coupled AOM


1650nm Acousto Optic Modulator, 80 MHz, Fiber Coupled AOM




1 year warranty

This product is sold with a full one-year warranty. The warranty is honored and transacted by Laser Lab Source (LaserDiodeSource.com | LaserDiodeControl.com)

Key Features

Shipping Information
Shipping within the USA: $155.00
International Shipments: Shipping Account Required

Offered by: Aerodiode Corporation, a Laser Lab Source Marketplace Seller
Orders fulfilled by: Laser Lab Source in North America

Sold & Supported in North America by Laser Lab Source
Orders for this product are processed and fulfilled by Laser Lab Source, the marketplace for Laser Scientists and Engineers. This item ships from Bozeman, MT USA. It is manufactured by Aerodiode, a Laser Lab Source Marketplace Seller. Mfg Part Number: 1650AOM-1

Warranty Information
This product is sold with a full one year warranty. It is warrantied to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. The warranty is transacted and honored by Laser Lab Source for product purchases made through Laser Lab Source.

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1 lbs


12 × 9 × 4 in

AOM Rise Time

AOM Wavelength

AOM Frequency


Aerodiode AOM's 1000 - 1600nm

Product Overview

1650nm Fiber Modulator

These high-speed fiber-coupled acousto optic modulators (AOM) are an ideal for fast amplitude modulation of laser light in a single mode optical fiber with an operating wavelength range of 1580nm to 1720nm. These fiber coupled AOMs are used in fiber laser Q-switching and pulse picking applications, narrow line width laser measurements and many other applications related to precision fiber-coupled systems operating in the nanosecond range.

Low Insertion Loss, High Input Power

These fiber-coupled AOMs are efficient and are easy to use. With low insertion loss and high input power capability, they are ideal for a wide range of applications. The Bragg cell material is low-loss, and is chosen for its ability to support the high-Q acoustic refractive index grating that is fundamental to the operation of the AOM. This AOM can operate with very high peak input power, and an average optical power of 0.5 W.

Matched RF Driver for Acousto Optic Modulator

The AOM operates at a set frequency, determined by the physical configuration of the Bragg cell; this model operates at 80 MHz.

A high power RF signal drives the AOM at operating frequency; the signal power is typically up to a few watts. An RF Driver/Amplifier is required to amplify the low-level output from a signal generator to the power level needed to drive the acousto-optic modulator. The matched RF generators integrate seamlessly with the AOMs and provide a one-stop solution for high-speed, Q-switched, fiber-coupled laser modulation.

Two different matched RF drivers are available for driving the 1650nm AOM, one designed for analog input signals and another RF driver for TTL input signals. Links to these products are available below in the You May Also Like section.

To learn more about how acousto optic modulators function and learn how to set up an AOM, please visit our TECH-NOTE:Acousto Optic Modulator Basics and Set-Up Guide”

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